Sunday, August 14, 2011

I AM the Queen of Excuses

I am the Queen. The Queen of Excuses.

"But I'm so tired."
"But we're on vacay!"
"I'll do better tomorrow."
"It's just so expensive to by fresh, healthy foods."
"I just had so much to do today."
"But we don't have any groceries." (sometimes a very valid excuse)
"But I was so good this week."

But, but, but, but, but, but.

As of last week, I had lost 8 pounds! Ugh...all of which I'm sure I've gained back since. Last week was a different kind of week. I started out relatively on the right track and slowly veered off the track and straight off the cliff. I will not even begin to list my multitude of sins...but here's just a "taste" of what the week looked like for me food-wise. Hot dogs, hamburger and french fries (twice), ice cream every day (sometimes twice), Reece's Pieces, Swedish Fish, sweet tea and soda of all kinds. *SIGH* I was doing so well. But the excuses just kept flying out of my mouth. And don't even get me started on the just wasn't happening at all.

Sadly, I'll weigh myself tomorrow and realize truly how far I am from my 10 pound goal that I am supposed to make by Thursday... THURSDAY!?!? Can it really be 4 days from now? Geez. I'm feeling pretty discouraged right now... but I have to keep in mind that things will be very different once school starts back tomorrow and I'll just have to make adjustments to my life and my schedule to make sure that I'm doing what's best for me and best for my family. I have to stay on track to help us become an active and healthy family.

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