Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Better than expected.

Today was much better than expected. Yesterday, however...entirely different story. I started crying Sunday night. Monday morning I cried all the way to Nana's, cried at Nana's, cried all the way to my workshop (causing my eyes and face to be noticeably splotchy and red) and then cried some more every time someone talked to me, put their hand on my shoulder, or even just looked at me with that pitiful all-knowing look.  I was a mess most of the day. At lunch I decided I'd take my dear friend Rachel to Nana's just to see Charlie for a minute...TOTALLY helped. I was able to spend the rest of the day much less distraught than I spent the morning. Today was easy peasy. The problem is I still have one more week to spend entirely with Charlie before school starts, and I'm trying not to anticipate a similar situation when it's time to start back to work for more than just 1 week.

I really need to weigh myself. I haven't done it in over a week and I was hoping to weigh myself every day. The problem is our scale is not digital so I cannot tell if there's a small change. Small changes are motivating. I might need to get a digital scale this weekend.

Breakfast - 2 eggs, cheese, toast
Snack - cheese and crackers
Snack - cherry Greek yogurt, 1/4 bagel w/ cream cheese
Lunch - 3in turkey and cheese sub, 3in ham and cheese sub
Snack - apple
Dinner - 2 marinated, baked drumsticks, 1 corn muffin
Snack - blueberry Greek yogurt
Exercise - NADA...it was hard enough being away from my boy and then lots of drama at the casa

Breakfast - 2 eggs, cheese, toast
Snack - cheese and crackers, cherry Greek yogurt
Lunch - chicken salad, pasta salad, mixed green salad...2 delicious brownies
Snack - apple
Dinner - pita pizza (I should have had something else here)
Snack - banana and peanut butter
Exercise - Power 90 cardio and ab workout (like P90x, but much much much easier)

My friend Megan, who I mentioned in an earlier post has started posting her weight each week...she's amazingly brave. I admire her tremendously. I've been toying with the idea too...but I'm not sure I'm ready just yet.

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