Sunday, July 17, 2011

Getting down to business

Charlie and I went to church this morning and the message was pretty interesting. The part that struck me most was that people aren't going to fill a church because of what is happening on the inside, but they are going to fill it because of what we are doing outside the church walls. It made me think about how much I love my church and really, the only thing making us think about finding a new church is the fact that most of the people who attend are at a completely different place in their life (like retirement). I was talking to my dear friend, Helen, toay and told her that if I could just fill the church with people our age and at similar places in their lives, that would be perfect. So maybe, to show God's grace outside of the church walls, I need to be proactive about inviting others to be active in the church with me. I've attended this church for as long as I can remember. I LOVE the fact that these sweet people have watched me grow up and are now getting to watch Charlie grow up...Maybe I don't want to change churches...Maybe I just need to start spreading the word that our church is a wonderful place and invite others to join us...Anybody want to start coming to our church with us?

Chris and I also had a little baby-free time this afternoon, thanks to my sweet nana who held and played with my baby boy for a few hours. We went to see Harry Potter, and it was a little sad to know that this is the last one! But it was good. And I'm glad we went out, even though it was hard for me to leave that sweet boy. I did tell Nana that I had better get used to leaving him with her, since she'll be watching him when I go back to school! We're so lucky...and so is Charlie. I told someone at church today that my biggest worry is going to be how ROTTEN Charlie will be at the end of the school year! ;)

I've decided to add something else to my goals. so I'll be editing that post. I want to work on specifically asking for help from Chris if I need help instead of hoping he's going to do something and then feeling resentful if he doesn't.  For example, my car needed gas and yesterday he drove my car. I hoped that he would put a little gas in my car so that it would be ready for me to drive today...well, he didn't. And I wa P*SSED to have to go by the gas station on my way to church this morning...I need to get better with that. It all stems from my love language, but I'm not going to talk about that now. Maybe in another post! :)

Progress towards a couple of my goals has already been made and it's not even Monday yet. Go me.

I did my healthy shopping trip today and it sucked. It sucks that buying healthy, fresh foods is sooo much more expensive than buying processed yuck. Anyone have any suggestions for me?

I'm pretty proud of my choices.  Here's my list:
sandwich meat
sandwich bread
whole wheat pitas
hamburger buns
whole wheat crackers
Doritos (for Chris...)
peanut butter
black beans
baked beans
whole wheat tortillas
whole wheat pasta
ground pork (we're gonna try it...)

I thought it might also be a good idea to post my week's worth of dinners and my plan for working out for the week, so I can see if I stick to it! So here are my plans for the week!

Breakfast: 1 slice toast, 2 eggs, cheese
Snack: cheese and 8 crackers
Lunch: black beans and brown rice with cheese, salsa, and sour cream
Snack: 1 medium apple with peanut butter
Dinner: Mexican Pie and corn, 2 Oreos
Snack: pineapple Greek yogurt
Workout:  7am walk, CardioKick at the gym


Breakfast: 1 slice toast, 2 eggs, cheese
Snack: cheese and 8 crackers
Lunch: Tuna Sandwich with cheese, pretzels, celery with peanut butter
Snack: 1 small banana with peanut butter
Dinner: Pita Pizza with salad, 2 Oreos
Snack: pineapple Greek yogurt
Workout: 7am walk, Turbokick at the gym


Breakfast: 1 slice toast, 2 eggs, cheese
Snack: cheese and 8 crackers
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich, 1 small banana, carrots
Snack: 1 medium apple, peanut butter
Dinner: Chicken, aparagus, salad, 2 Oreos, milk
Snack: pineapple Greek yogurt
Workout: 7am walk, workout video with Chris

Breakfast: 1 slice toast, 2 eggs, cheese
Snack: cheese and 8 crackers
Lunch: Tuna Sandwich with cheese, pretzels, celery with peanut butter
Snack: 1 small banana, cheese stick
Dinner:  Hamburgers, broccoli, salad, 2 Oreos
Snack: pineapple Greek yogurt
Workout: 7am walk, maybe something else

Breakfast: 1 slice toast, 2 eggs, cheese
Snack: cheese and 8 crackers
Lunch: 1 1/2 cup Cheerios, 1 1/2 cup milk
Snack: 1 medium apple, peanut butter
Dinner: Breakfast - biscuits, eggs, sausage, gravy (healthy, huh?) :)
Snack: milk, 1 tablespoon peanut butter
Workout: 7 am walk, maybe CSI at the gym?

Breakfast: 1 slice toast, 2 eggs, cheese
Snack: cheese and 8 crackers
Lunch: Tuna Sandwich with cheese, pretzels, celery with peanut butter
Snack: 1 small banana, cheese stick
Dinner: Eating out tonight
No snack after eating out.
Workout: Turbokick at the gym, walk some time during the day

Breakfast: 1 slice toast, 2 eggs, cheese
Snack: cheese and 8 crackers
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich, 1 small banana, carrots
Snack: 1 medium apple, peanut butter
Dinner: Chicken Salad on hoagies with carrots, 2 Oreos
Snack: milk and 1 tablespoon peanut butter
Workout: 7am walk, workout video with Chris

I forgot to take my pictures today, but tomorrow for sure.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have posted your whole week of meals, and I love that your plan still lets you eat cheese!! Most of the diets I have tried, including weight watchers, won't let you eat much cheese, and I LOVE cheese! The diet your doing sounds totallly doable for me, but would take a lot of planning to be able to pack everything for lunch and snacks everyday. But I pack Daniel's lunch every day, so might as well pack mine too. As far as the expense, it is crazy expensive to try and eat healthy. Try shopping at Amazing Savings for fresh produce, sandwich meat, and cheese. They also have healthy snack food for a lot cheaper, but you have to watch the out-of-dates. I also know that once a month the Black Mountain Parks & Rec department does a fresh produce give-away day. Local farmers donate fresh produce, and some comes from the community gardens, and its open to anyone. I haven't taken advantage of that yet, but I should. Sounds silly, but one of the hardest things for me about trying to eat more produce is that I have to go to the grocery store a lot more often. And I hate the grocery store, with a vengence! I avoid it like the plague. But you can't buy 2 weeks worth of produce at once, cause they tend to not be quite so yummy by day 13. Darnit!
