Saturday, July 16, 2011

The time is upon us...goodbye Pepsi, my friend.

So, starting Monday I'll be on my way to losing 10 pounds by the time school starts back on Aug. 18... I'll be working out and/or walking everyday. We'll be finding ways to be active as a family and making time for each other, even if that means it has to be baby-free time (baby-free time still gives me a little anxiety).  I'll be eating according to the diabetic diet I followed while I was preggo. That means I'll be eating much less Oreos, ice cream, and Pepsi...just a few of my favorite things. It will all be worth it though because I'll be on my way to a happier, healthier, and hopefully skinnier me.

Tomorrow we're going to church for the first time in several weeks and I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully, Charlie will make it through the service with no major outbursts. He's such a good baby, though, it's probably not going to be a problem! :) When I was younger, we never missed church. It was just understood that on Sunday mornings, we attended discussion. As I got older, though, especially while I was in college, I just got out of the habit. And it's been pretty hard to get back into the habit...How does that happen? How do you just let good habits go by the wayside, while the bad habits creep back in so easily and just stay there forever!? It takes effort to keep good habits...I'm ready to put in the effort. I want Charlie to understand that every Sunday morning, we'll be going to church, unless we're sick or out of town. That is one way I can be a good example for him, like Nana and Papa were for me.

Ok, so tomorrow I'll take all my measurements and weight and record them (some place other than here, so don't even ask) and take my "before" pictures that I will upload on here. So get ready!

This is me and my sweet friend Meredith whose wedding date is set as one of my weightloss check-ins. I can't wait until she's the one getting married!


  1. You can totally do the Pepsi thing! I stopped drinking soft drinks and sweet tea March 16, 2008, and haven't had one since. And you KNOW I loved some Pepsi. Just have some ibuprofen ready for the first few days because sadly there are actually withdrawal headaches. But you might know about that from the diabetes diet. Good luck!!!

  2. You're fears of baby-free time are so very normal. I was terrified even though I didn't want to admit it... I just couldn't give up control of what she was doing when and making sure everything was taken care of without me. The first several times I went out w/o her, I didn't enjoy myself at all for worrying over my girly girl, but it got easier. Now, I love going out, although the initial getting out the door is still kind of hard. Just make yourself do it and eventually, you'll look forward to those times. It's easier too when you don't have to pump so much. :)

  3. Hey girl, I commend you for wanting to get back involved in church and I totally understand you wanting to find a church where there are other people your age. We go to New Life Community Church in Asheville, where my dad is the pastor. I know I am a little biased but it is an absolutely amazing church! It is contemporary worship and awesome preaching. There are TONS of young couples and families, with an amazing nursery and childrens programs. We would love for yall to come visit if you want to! Hope your doing well!
    Lindsey Mills
